This comes from No-boba-Please!
1) Do you think Daylight Saving Time is still necessary?
~ No
2) How long does it take you to adjust to the time change?
~ About two weeks
3) What's the hardest part of the time change?
~ When it's darker early, it makes me sleepy
4) How many clocks are in your house?
~ Four (one of which I haven't seen for awhile but I hear it when I'm home at 9:00 AM)
5) Are you generally early, late, or on time?
~ Generally on time
6) If an invitation to an event listed the time as 8-11pm, what time would you arrive?
~ Depends on what it's for, if I'm looking forward to it, who I'm going with, what I'm doing beforehand, if I'm bringing anything, ....many factors can influence the answer to this
7) Do you wear a watch?
~ Nope
8) Have you ever glanced at the time and had to glance again because you didn't pay attention the first time?
~ Yes! Very often! Sometimes I look at it again because I didn't believe it the first time
9) Are most of your clocks digital or dial?
~ Digital
10) What does your alarm clock sound like?
~ Just a loud buzz when it's time to awaken
11) Do you use the snooze feature on your alarm clock?
~ Quite often! The snooze alarm is one of the greatest inventions man has created!
12) Does clock ticking drive you nuts?
~ Sometimes it does, sometimes I find it relaxes me, but I really seldom ever hear t anyways
~ Sunday Stealing
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
A Tricky Hodgepodge
1. What's something you're dealing with that might be described as tricky?
~ Life itself! With unemployment, kidney failure (and trying to get a stint in for the seventh time) -attending dialysis three times a week at 5:45 AM (and I've never been a morning person), my condo is a mess and I don't have the drive or energy to thoroughly clean it, living totally on my own -yes, life is Very tricky these days
2. What's your treat of choice?
~ I liked how a neighbor of mine use to give me and my siblings a bottle of Faygo pop when we went trick-or-treating at his door! He only did this for the neighbor kids he knew the best. This was so sweet! Nowadays my favorite treat on Halloween would be mini chocolate bars (ANY kind)!
3. Did you/will you carve a jack-o-lantern this month? Which real (living or dead) or fictional 'Jack' would you most like to meet in person? Why?
~ No, I won't. I wish I could celebrate like I use to but I can't light one on my condo porch -nor do I have reason to, nobody comes around. I'd like to meet Jack White, because I admire his talent, and Jack Frost, so I could tell him not to breathe upon me so harshly this winter!
~ No, I won't. I wish I could celebrate like I use to but I can't light one on my condo porch -nor do I have reason to, nobody comes around. I'd like to meet Jack White, because I admire his talent, and Jack Frost, so I could tell him not to breathe upon me so harshly this winter!
4. In your opinion, what's the grossest sounding word in the English language?
~ The word worthless always makes my ears bleed a little
~ The word worthless always makes my ears bleed a little
5. When did your heart last skip a beat?
~ When I ate a very yummy filet (done blue, of course!) at
Outback Steakhouse on my birthday Saturday -it was simply scrumptious!
~ When I ate a very yummy filet (done blue, of course!) at
Outback Steakhouse on my birthday Saturday -it was simply scrumptious!
6. Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Picket, Michael Jackson's Thriller, Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon, or Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters...your favorite 'scary' tune?
~ The song Dummy Doll by Johnny Legend is my favorite 'scary' tune, but out of those listed I like 'Monster Mash' the most!
7. It was a dark and stormy night when______________________________.
~ My cable went out on me, and stayed out for a long long while! (OK, it's still out, I really should call!)
Sunday, October 27, 2013
They Say It's Your Birthday
1. as you get older, are you jazzed about your birthday?
~ Very jazzed, it's my favorite day of the year! It's cool that this meme falls today since today IS My birthday!!!
2. do people usually remember your birthday?
~ On Facebook they do, since the date is under "Upcoming Birthdays", otherwise I remind people
3. an ex-coworker used to begin 3 mos. before her birthday flat-out reminding us that it was coming up. it's amazing what no self-esteem does for you. anyway, do you know anyone who pre-announces their birthdays?
~ Yes, but only weeks in advance!
4. what was your best birthday? why?
~ This is my 46th birthday, I really can't remember the others, so I'll say this one
5. what was your worst birthday? why?
~ This is my 46th birthday, I really can't remember the others, so I'll say this one
6. name your best birthday gift.
~ My sister gave me shoes, boots, and a shirt last night, so I'll say that becaaaaaause this is my 46th birthday, I really can't remember the others
7. name the best birthday gift you've gotten for someone else.
~ I got a co-worker, whom I had the hots for, a blue-flamed Zippo lighter engraved with his name on it
8. as i age, i value SLEEP as a priceless commodity. i didn't get any for my birthday, however. what do you want this year for your birthday?
~ A certain phone call I've been hoping to receive
~ Sunday Stealing
~ Very jazzed, it's my favorite day of the year! It's cool that this meme falls today since today IS My birthday!!!
2. do people usually remember your birthday?
~ On Facebook they do, since the date is under "Upcoming Birthdays", otherwise I remind people
3. an ex-coworker used to begin 3 mos. before her birthday flat-out reminding us that it was coming up. it's amazing what no self-esteem does for you. anyway, do you know anyone who pre-announces their birthdays?
~ Yes, but only weeks in advance!
4. what was your best birthday? why?
~ This is my 46th birthday, I really can't remember the others, so I'll say this one
5. what was your worst birthday? why?
~ This is my 46th birthday, I really can't remember the others, so I'll say this one
6. name your best birthday gift.
~ My sister gave me shoes, boots, and a shirt last night, so I'll say that becaaaaaause this is my 46th birthday, I really can't remember the others
7. name the best birthday gift you've gotten for someone else.
~ I got a co-worker, whom I had the hots for, a blue-flamed Zippo lighter engraved with his name on it
8. as i age, i value SLEEP as a priceless commodity. i didn't get any for my birthday, however. what do you want this year for your birthday?
~ A certain phone call I've been hoping to receive
~ Sunday Stealing
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Saturday 9: If It Makes You Happy
Sheryl Crow is a breast cancer survivor and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please spread the word about early detection.
1) What's something that always makes you happy?
~ Those first few moments of the day when I wake up and yesterday's pains and tribulations have totally washed out of my mind, and really good food
2) In the lyrics, Sheryl refers to a poncho. How do you usually protect yourself from the rain? Poncho? Umbrella? Raincoat? Hat?
~ Only an umbrella - and that's only if there's a monsoon occurring, which seldom ever happens in Michigan
3) Early in her career, Sheryl made ends meet by singing commercial jingles, including one for McDonald's. When was the last time you visited The Golden Arches?
~ I think about a week ago, I wanted to try one of their pumpkin lattes. I'm glad I tried it, but don't need to try another. They've got great fries there though!
4) Sheryl rode a horse into the ring of a Wyoming rodeo and then sang. Have you ever been to a rodeo?
~ Nope
5) Sheryl lives outside of Nashville, which is known as Music City. What type of music do you listen to most often?
~ Depends on my mood. Right now I'm listening to classical in my car. I have a wide variety of favorite genres. It's easier to say what I don't listen to -rap and country
6) Crazy Sam is a massive Sheryl Crow fan, and is sure that the only reason why she and Sheryl aren't best friends is that they haven't met. What famous person do you think could be your BFF?
~ Oprah, I like her views and interest on spirituality and she's got great taste in the books she reads
7) Sheryl and cyclist Lance Armstrong were once engaged. Had they tied the knot, she would have become stepmother to his three children. Are you a step-parent, stepsibling or stepchild?
~ Nope
1) What's something that always makes you happy?
~ Those first few moments of the day when I wake up and yesterday's pains and tribulations have totally washed out of my mind, and really good food
2) In the lyrics, Sheryl refers to a poncho. How do you usually protect yourself from the rain? Poncho? Umbrella? Raincoat? Hat?
~ Only an umbrella - and that's only if there's a monsoon occurring, which seldom ever happens in Michigan
3) Early in her career, Sheryl made ends meet by singing commercial jingles, including one for McDonald's. When was the last time you visited The Golden Arches?
~ I think about a week ago, I wanted to try one of their pumpkin lattes. I'm glad I tried it, but don't need to try another. They've got great fries there though!
4) Sheryl rode a horse into the ring of a Wyoming rodeo and then sang. Have you ever been to a rodeo?
~ Nope
5) Sheryl lives outside of Nashville, which is known as Music City. What type of music do you listen to most often?
~ Depends on my mood. Right now I'm listening to classical in my car. I have a wide variety of favorite genres. It's easier to say what I don't listen to -rap and country
6) Crazy Sam is a massive Sheryl Crow fan, and is sure that the only reason why she and Sheryl aren't best friends is that they haven't met. What famous person do you think could be your BFF?
~ Oprah, I like her views and interest on spirituality and she's got great taste in the books she reads
7) Sheryl and cyclist Lance Armstrong were once engaged. Had they tied the knot, she would have become stepmother to his three children. Are you a step-parent, stepsibling or stepchild?
~ Nope
8) Sheryl has performed carols at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Washington DC. Have you ever visited our nation's capital?
~ Nope
9) Do you consider yourself easy going or do you have a fiery temperament?
~ Very easy going
~ Saturday 9
~ Nope
9) Do you consider yourself easy going or do you have a fiery temperament?
~ Very easy going
Friday 5 For October 25: ID Part 2
- How familiar are you with the plants and trees in your area?
~ Not nearly as much as I'd like to be
2. How familiar are you with the wildlife in your area?
~ Same as my answer above
3. Can you name the makes and models of five of your friends’ cars without looking?
~ No! Definitely not!
4. How many of your co-workers’ spouses and kids can you name?
~ 0
5. If you had the radio on whatever station is playing current hits, how would you do at naming the songs and artists you heard?
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
An Uncommon Hodgepodge
1. When it comes to good manners, what two top your list of most important?
~ 1) Driving responsibly and respectfully, 2) Common courtesy -being polite
~ 1) Driving responsibly and respectfully, 2) Common courtesy -being polite
2. Let's open a proverbial can of worms...Common Core. Are you familiar with the term (talking education reform in the USA)? If so, care to share your thoughts? In your opinion, what is one of the biggest issues schools (in your home country) face today?
~ I've never heard of Common Core. One of the biggest issues schools face is the lack of discipline
3. Name a celebrity whose fashion sense you admire and share why.
~ I really don't pay attention
~ I really don't pay attention
4. How are you affected by the changing seasons?
~ I LOVE the changing seasons! My favorite is autumn. Spring refreshes me, summer pumps me up, autumn soothes me, winter tires me
~ I LOVE the changing seasons! My favorite is autumn. Spring refreshes me, summer pumps me up, autumn soothes me, winter tires me
5. Scariest book you've ever read?
~ The journals I've written have scared the beejeebers out if me!
~ The journals I've written have scared the beejeebers out if me!
6. What time of day are you most hungry? What's your go-to snack?
~ Most hungry at night because I have a tendency to go long periods of time without eating throughout the day. Go-to snacks: cereal, pop-tarts
~ Most hungry at night because I have a tendency to go long periods of time without eating throughout the day. Go-to snacks: cereal, pop-tarts
7. Do you lean more towards being too needy or too independent? Which do you find harder to deal with in others?
~ I'd say I'm too independent - when you're 48, single and no family, independence just falls into being. I find neediness in others harder to deal with in others, when you're living your life on your own, and in your own timeframe, independence in others just falls right into line
8. Insert your own random thought here.
~ My birthday is Sunday!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Saturday 9: Come To My Window

Melissa Etheridge is a breast cancer survivor and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please spread the word about early detection.
1) This song is about a woman passionate about love and willing to pursue it, no matter what "they say." Are you fearless when it comes to public opinion? Or do you worry about what "they" think of you?
~ Depends on what it is they are thinking about. Sometimes, no, I'm not so fearless!
2) Melissa's father was a high school teacher. Tell us about a teacher who had an impact on you.
~ Mr. Bill Secrest, my World Religions teacher, a very sweet, laid back guy. He would have a five minute silent meditation to start each class. During one of these silent meditations I was surprised to hear him read a paper I wrote for an assignment the week before! It was enlightening to him, I'm glad he liked it, but to hear my assignment being read during meditation was, well, just a wee bit unnerving! I was definitely proud of it though.
3) Melissa won a Grammy for this song. If you won a major award, where would you display it?
~ The bathroom, just for the "off-the-wall"ness of it!
4) Which TV game show do you think you'd do better on -- The Price Is Right or Wheel of Fortune?
~ Much better on The Wheel Of Fortune
5) Are you neat and organized?
~ I swear I thought I was, but where the heck did this mess come from? Oh, OK, I've always been a slob!
6) When was the last time you went more than a day without washing your hair?
~ This week
7) When you eat Chinese food, do you use chopsticks or a fork?
~ I wish I knew how to use chopsticks! I'm definitely a forker!
8) Are you a good cook?
~ I can follow a recipe!
9) We're having a party in your honor! Would you prefer a costume party, a bowling party or a pool party?
~ Thanks for the party! I'd definitely prefer a costume party! I'll dress up as a flapper from the roaring 20's!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sunday Stealing: My Random Randomness Meme, part 2
What was your first alcoholic drink?
~ Wine
What was your first job?
~ Bussing tables at Ponderosa
What was your first car?
~ Pontiac Phoenix
What was your first mobile phone?
~ Nextel, I loved the walkie talkie!
What is your first proper memory?
~ Being in the hospital when I was three with pneumonia, I remember one of my nurses, she was so sweet to me!
Who was your first teacher?
~ Mrs Borchanian, I adored her!
Which fictional character do you wish was real?
~ Santa Claus
Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
~ Myrtle Beach
Who was your first best friend?
~ My dog of course!
What was your first detention for?
~ Being late for class. I was almost always late for my first class of the day
What's your strongest sense?
~ Seeing, when I need to remember something and can't reason it out, which is what I usually try to do, I won't totally receive my answer until a picture enters my mind
Who was your first kiss?
~ Jeff Mitchell, in kindergarten
~ Jeff Mitchell, in kindergarten
What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema?
~ The first movie I ever saw at the cinema was probably something like Snow White or Cinderella, the first movie I remember seeing though was The World's Greatest Athlete
What's the largest amount of money you've ever won?
~ Probably $5
What's the largest amount of money you've spent in one spree?
~ Not absolutely sure, but probably about $200
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
~ The best of her is buried beneath the trash
Have you ever got sweet revenge on anyone?
~ Yes, you can say that! It was very on-the-spot, enjoyable, gratifying!
Have you ever been to a live concert?
~ Yes, my favorites have been Springsteen, and Bob Seger
Have you ever been to see stand up comedy?
~ Yes
Have you ever needed stitches?
Have you ever needed stitches?
Saturday Six #496
1. What is the first thing you notice about a person’s appearance?
~ Aura. No, not in colors, but I notice their vibe, their energy
2. When shopping for clothes, how often do you try something on in the store before buying?
~ Once, why try it twice? If I like it, I like it, I'll get it. But, then again, I haven't gone clothes shopping for years and years and years!
3. What size of spare battery do you have the most of in your home right now?
~ I'm guessing at AAA
4. What size of spare battery do you most need at the moment?
~ AAA, I really only use batteries for my TV remote control, and that's the size it takes
5. When you watch television, how much of that time are you also looking at a computer, a tablet or your phone?
~ A huuuuge percent of that time
6. How often and which type of materials do you recycle?
~ Cans and bottles, I've got lots to take in!
Unconscious Mutterings
- Untraceable :: News
- Senator :: Clinton
- Humongous :: Amongus
- Drinks :: On the house
- Ringing :: Church bells
- Overloaded :: Potato skins
- Annoyed :: At not having work to go to
- Blondie :: Dagwood
- Suits :: Hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades
- Deadly :: Sins
Friday, October 11, 2013
Saturday 9: Hopelessly Devoted to You
Olivia Newton-John is a breast cancer survivor and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please spread the word about early detection.
1) This is a sad song about unrequited love. What's your favorite love song, and is it happy or sad?
~ The First Time Ever I Touched Your Face by Roberta Flack, it's a happy song.
2) This song is from the Grease soundtrack. When that movie came out in 1978, the price of a postage stamp was just 15¢. When's the last time you visited the post office?
~ Couple months ago so I could pick up a package, a movie I ordered for a friend
3) Not many people know that Olivia's maternal grandfather, Max Born, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954. Share something about yourself that we might not have known before this morning.
~ That frozen raspberry margaritas might just be my favorite! I had one for the first time today and it was so yummy!
4) Olivia's father was an officer in MI5, the UK's secret service. Sam's most recent run-in with the authorities had less intrigue or glamor, as it included a policeman pointing out the stop sign she'd somehow missed. Tell us about your most recent encounter with law enforcement.
~ They were directing cars into our parking lot after one of the condo units went up in flames
5) Olivia is part owner of an exclusive, luxury retreat called Gaia. If you had a day of free access to a heated pool, golf course, tennis court, gym, and day spa, but could only use one, which one would you choose?
~ Day spa, I'd love to have a professional treatment that includes massage, aromatherapy, and totally zoning out while listening to Enya and Kitaro
6) Are you flirtatious?
~ Nope
7) Do you more often wear silver, gold, or platinum?
~ None of the above! I am totally not a jewelry wearer!
8) When you're on the phone, do you usually make the first move toward ending the call? Or do you find it hard to say goodbye?
~ I wait till a natural end to the conversation, unless I have places I gotta be
9) Would you rather be smarter, richer, or more attractive than you are right now?
~ Richer, I was laid off just over a week ago, have no idea when I'll start collecting unemployment, and I have tons of medical bills. I'm seriously considering bankruptcy.
~ Saturday 9
1) This is a sad song about unrequited love. What's your favorite love song, and is it happy or sad?
~ The First Time Ever I Touched Your Face by Roberta Flack, it's a happy song.
2) This song is from the Grease soundtrack. When that movie came out in 1978, the price of a postage stamp was just 15¢. When's the last time you visited the post office?
~ Couple months ago so I could pick up a package, a movie I ordered for a friend
3) Not many people know that Olivia's maternal grandfather, Max Born, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954. Share something about yourself that we might not have known before this morning.
~ That frozen raspberry margaritas might just be my favorite! I had one for the first time today and it was so yummy!
4) Olivia's father was an officer in MI5, the UK's secret service. Sam's most recent run-in with the authorities had less intrigue or glamor, as it included a policeman pointing out the stop sign she'd somehow missed. Tell us about your most recent encounter with law enforcement.
~ They were directing cars into our parking lot after one of the condo units went up in flames
5) Olivia is part owner of an exclusive, luxury retreat called Gaia. If you had a day of free access to a heated pool, golf course, tennis court, gym, and day spa, but could only use one, which one would you choose?
~ Day spa, I'd love to have a professional treatment that includes massage, aromatherapy, and totally zoning out while listening to Enya and Kitaro
6) Are you flirtatious?
~ Nope
7) Do you more often wear silver, gold, or platinum?
~ None of the above! I am totally not a jewelry wearer!
8) When you're on the phone, do you usually make the first move toward ending the call? Or do you find it hard to say goodbye?
~ I wait till a natural end to the conversation, unless I have places I gotta be
9) Would you rather be smarter, richer, or more attractive than you are right now?
~ Richer, I was laid off just over a week ago, have no idea when I'll start collecting unemployment, and I have tons of medical bills. I'm seriously considering bankruptcy.
~ Saturday 9
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The Hodgepodge: Required Reading For A Wednesday
1. The USA will mark Columbus Day this year on Monday, October 14th. What's something you need or want to explore (literally or metaphorically speaking)?
~ I would really love to explore having a new job, being a cat mommy, and getting back to life again. Life has literally hit VOID
2. The Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz, Ursula from The Little Mermaid, or Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty...who do you most love to hate?
~ Maleficent, she looks the most evil, Totally Scary -I can still just look at a picture of her and shudder
3. Is open-mindedness a virtue?
~ I definitely believe it to be
4. How often do you weigh yourself?
~ Six times a week, going into dialysis and leaving dialysis on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
5. This question comes to you courtesy of Rebecca over at Making Memories, so thanks Rebecca! Costa Rica was recently named the happiest country in the world on the Happy Planet Index. What's the happiest country in the world to you, and what makes it so?
~ I hate being totally left-brained but I'll answer Denmark because that's what the records tell me! I haven't done much (Ok, any) traveling so I can't speak from experiences here
6. Besides The Bible, what is one book you think should be mandatory reading for high school students? Why?
~ Can't think of one that should be 'mandatory'
7. I went shopping at some nearby outlets last week, and while I was there, I picked up a couple of Christmas gifts. How about you? Have you started your holiday shopping yet?
~ Nope
8. Insert your own random thought here.
~ Off to visit friends and pick up my last chek from CSS today, I have an origami pumpkin to give my friend Keith (I hope he likes it!) and might just bring a dozen or two Tim Horton pumpkin muffins with me
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
The Crazy Heart Test
Your Heart is Restless |
![]() Your heart is very honest, and you can't make it work with the wrong person. You need to feel passion. You are happiest when love is exciting. You like to experience intense emotions... even those bordering on obsession. You will admit that you have been irresponsible with others' hearts before. People should not dance with your fire unless they're willing to get burned! |
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Sunday Stealing: Movie/TV Theme
~ Kevin Spacey
2. Name your favorite movie actress:
~ Meryl Streep
3. Name your favorite TV actor:
~ Don't have one
4. Name your favorite TV actress:
~ Don't have one
5. Name your favorite television show right now:
~ Sleepy Hollow, watched first three shows on Hulu last night.
6. Name a few really cool movies you’ve recently seen:
~ Truly haven't seen a movie for a long long while - I laugh when I think of how I use to go once, sometimes twice a week! The last movie at the theater I saw was Midnight In Paris almost two years ago! I don't watch movies on TV, I hate commercials.
7. Your favorite canceled television show:
~ John Edward's Crossing Over
8. Name one movie you wish you hadn’t wasted time/money on recently:
~ Haven't seen or bought one recently
9. You would never watch a movie with:
~ Commercials interrupting them
10. Favorite candy/food to watch movies with:
~ Candy bars (especially KitKats, Goobers, M&M'S), and soda -any soda
11. Three favorite TV channels:
~ The Science channel, Discovery, Animal Planet
12. Favorite reality or competition show:
~ Don't have one
13. Cable or satellite?
~ Cable
14. Do you watch more movies at home or at the theater?
~ Home, haven't been to a theater for two years
15. Is there a time of year that you watch more tv?
~ No
~ Sunday Stealing
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Six Sentences
Damn, damn, damn, damn, I am such a slob! And underneath this mess is a warm place for a kitty, a meditation area, an art area, a TV area, an eating space, a home. I have so much to do before that occurs, much laundry to clean, garbage to toss. Life could be so much sweeter if I took control of doing the things I just gotta do. I'm unemployed right now, I have ample enough time to correct all I've done. It's going to be a very, Very, VERY busy week.
Saturday Six #495
1. Have you ever participated in a Twitter chat on any topic? (If so, which chats?)
~ Nope
2. If you were looking to join a live Twitter chat, which topics would you most be interested in discussing?
~ Paranormal, parapsychology, self-development
3. How many social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc) do you currently have?
~ Facebook, Pinterest, I haven't seen my MySpace for a long long while
4. Of those, which one do you spend the most time on?
5. Which one do you spend the least time on?
~ MySpace
6. What do you like least about the social network you’re on most?
~ Too many mags and things keep popping up with unwanted messages and I've never heard of them before
~ Saturday Six
Saturday 9: You're So Vein
1) Samantha Winters is very vain about her light blonde locks. What's your best feature?
~ Green eyes and long eyelashes
2) Carly Simon is the daughter of a wealthy family (Simon & Shuster Publishing). How would your life today be different if you knew there was a large sum of inherited money in your future?
~ I'd be living with a bit more excitement and anticipation! I don't think my life would change too much though because now is now, the future is the future and I'd hate to blow it before it arrived at my doorstep.
3) October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Carly is a proud breast cancer survivor. Has breast cancer -- or cancer of any type -- touched you, your family or your circle of friends?
~ My sister-in-law had stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma, a form of breast
cancer, she's been in remission for 13 years. A work friend had breast cancer, my great aunt had cancer as well.
4) Carly has been known to perform with her sister, Lucy, and their oldest sister Joanna is a mezzo-soprano. Is your family musical?
~ Two of my brothers play guitar, one of which was in a band in high school. My sister totally kicked butt playing the recorder, LOL!
5) Carly suffers from stage fright, a liability in her profession. When was the last time fear got the better of you?
~ I've been too afraid to go in for a day of medical tests, which is the very first step in preparing for a kidney transplant. I started dialysis two years ago.
6) Do you wear hats?
~ Nope, never liked them.
7) Autumn is known as "sweater weather." Is there a chill in the air where you are today?
~ Yes, a slight one.
8) Do you drink bottled water?
~ Yes, if there's nothing better around or I'm in that mood.
9) What color is your toothbrush?
~ Purple and white
~ Saturday 9
Friday, October 4, 2013
Friday 5 For October 4: I.D.
1. What was the last t-shirt you acquired because it identified you as a member of a specific group? (you know, like a faculty t-shirt if you’re a teacher, or a class t-shirt if you’re a student, or a volunteer t-shirt for some event you helped with…)
~ I do believe that the last t-shirt I received was for the Michigan Humane Society when I was a volunteer about 15 or so years ago.
2. What was the last event for which you filled out a HELLO MY NAME IS nametag?
~ Yowza, this one I totally can't remember!
3. Besides websites and personal computers, how many things do you have passwords or combinations for in order to prove you’re authorized?
~ Zilch, nada, zero
4. What was the last thing you wrote your name on so that people would know it belonged to you?
~ A paper I had to turn into work with a pledger's info who paid their donation on Visa
5. What was the last thing you put your name on so people would know you supported a cause, or were a member of a side?
~ Sorry, but I reeeeeeeally can't remember this one either!
~ Friday 5
~ I do believe that the last t-shirt I received was for the Michigan Humane Society when I was a volunteer about 15 or so years ago.
2. What was the last event for which you filled out a HELLO MY NAME IS nametag?
~ Yowza, this one I totally can't remember!
3. Besides websites and personal computers, how many things do you have passwords or combinations for in order to prove you’re authorized?
~ Zilch, nada, zero
4. What was the last thing you wrote your name on so that people would know it belonged to you?
~ A paper I had to turn into work with a pledger's info who paid their donation on Visa
5. What was the last thing you put your name on so people would know you supported a cause, or were a member of a side?
~ Sorry, but I reeeeeeeally can't remember this one either!
~ Friday 5
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