Melissa Etheridge is a breast cancer survivor and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please spread the word about early detection.
1) This song is about a woman passionate about love and willing to pursue it, no matter what "they say." Are you fearless when it comes to public opinion? Or do you worry about what "they" think of you?
~ Depends on what it is they are thinking about. Sometimes, no, I'm not so fearless!
2) Melissa's father was a high school teacher. Tell us about a teacher who had an impact on you.
~ Mr. Bill Secrest, my World Religions teacher, a very sweet, laid back guy. He would have a five minute silent meditation to start each class. During one of these silent meditations I was surprised to hear him read a paper I wrote for an assignment the week before! It was enlightening to him, I'm glad he liked it, but to hear my assignment being read during meditation was, well, just a wee bit unnerving! I was definitely proud of it though.
3) Melissa won a Grammy for this song. If you won a major award, where would you display it?
~ The bathroom, just for the "off-the-wall"ness of it!
4) Which TV game show do you think you'd do better on -- The Price Is Right or Wheel of Fortune?
~ Much better on The Wheel Of Fortune
5) Are you neat and organized?
~ I swear I thought I was, but where the heck did this mess come from? Oh, OK, I've always been a slob!
6) When was the last time you went more than a day without washing your hair?
~ This week
7) When you eat Chinese food, do you use chopsticks or a fork?
~ I wish I knew how to use chopsticks! I'm definitely a forker!
8) Are you a good cook?
~ I can follow a recipe!
9) We're having a party in your honor! Would you prefer a costume party, a bowling party or a pool party?
~ Thanks for the party! I'd definitely prefer a costume party! I'll dress up as a flapper from the roaring 20's!
I love your memory of your teacher. And I'm gonna see if my local vintage store has one of those jazz age roaring 20s flapper hats.