This comes from No-boba-Please!
1) Do you think Daylight Saving Time is still necessary?
~ No
2) How long does it take you to adjust to the time change?
~ About two weeks
3) What's the hardest part of the time change?
~ When it's darker early, it makes me sleepy
4) How many clocks are in your house?
~ Four (one of which I haven't seen for awhile but I hear it when I'm home at 9:00 AM)
5) Are you generally early, late, or on time?
~ Generally on time
6) If an invitation to an event listed the time as 8-11pm, what time would you arrive?
~ Depends on what it's for, if I'm looking forward to it, who I'm going with, what I'm doing beforehand, if I'm bringing anything, ....many factors can influence the answer to this
7) Do you wear a watch?
~ Nope
8) Have you ever glanced at the time and had to glance again because you didn't pay attention the first time?
~ Yes! Very often! Sometimes I look at it again because I didn't believe it the first time
9) Are most of your clocks digital or dial?
~ Digital
10) What does your alarm clock sound like?
~ Just a loud buzz when it's time to awaken
11) Do you use the snooze feature on your alarm clock?
~ Quite often! The snooze alarm is one of the greatest inventions man has created!
12) Does clock ticking drive you nuts?
~ Sometimes it does, sometimes I find it relaxes me, but I really seldom ever hear t anyways
~ Sunday Stealing
in my case, the snooze alarm used to be hit several times, but now with phones I just set multiple alarms